SinoVid Competition

Calling all skilled surgeons in Rhinology and Skull Base Surgery! Showcase your expertise and innovation by submitting your video abstracts for our competition. Share your groundbreaking procedures, enrich the field, and inspire fellow professionals with your mastery. Don't miss this chance to be recognized and contribute to advancing surgical excellence.

SinoVid Competition

The videos will be reviewed by the scientific committee members and rated based on:

  • Rarity of the Pathology
  • Technical Complexity
  • Novelty of Procedure
  • Educational Value
  • Production Quality

The best 5 videos will be showcased during the Congress and there will be only ONE winner!

There will be the opportunity for the video editors to introduce each clip and respond to the questions from the audience.

Each presenter with have 5 minutes to showcase / explain the video followed by 2 minutes to answer questions if any. The scientific committee members will decide the winner and announce him/her in the gala dinner to receive his/her prize from the President.

Participation Criteria:
Registration is mandatory to enter into the competition.

The winner will get an appreciation certificate from EROC 2025 and a travel grant post the Congress (Terms and Conditions apply)

Video Submissions Open: April 1st 2024
Submission Deadline: Last Deadline September 1st, 2024

SinoVid Competition Videos Specifications

Video Formatting:

  • All videos must be MP4/H.264 and a minimum of 1920x1080.
  • Do not upscale to HD with SD source.
  • In case there is a voice-over; Ensure audio is at a good volume, is not distorted, and is recorded in a quiet setting.
  • Name your file with your fisrt and last name, and video title:
    Example: Ahmed Mohammed – Modified Lothrop Procedure.mp4

Submission Guidelines:

Please be sure your video comply with the following instructions:

  1. Video must be an original production, in final edited form with a clear voice-over in English (optional).
  2. The video should not exceed 3 minutes in length and background music is not acceptable.
  3. Display the video title, name of surgeon(s) and/or co-authors, institution where the surgery was performed, and the location (city, state/country) at the beginning.
  4. Videos submitted with identifiable patient information or features will be rejected. Please obscure patient name on any images, removing personal information, and blur the patient’s face if it is not part of procedure.
  5. If the information is about a clinical case, the narration must provide information about the case such as medical history, diagnostic workup, and outcome. If the information is about a particular procedure, the video must address the components of the procedure and include information that addresses the various surgical techniques.
  6. Do not use copyrighted images, illustrations, or video unless you are the copyright holder.

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