Audiology Speakers

Adnan Shehabi

Assistant Professor
Birzeit University

Adnan Shehabi

Amineh Koravand

Associate Professor
University of Ottawa

Amineh Koravand

Adel Abdelmaksoud

Professor Audiovestibular Medicine
Ain Shams University

Adel Abdelmaksoud

Ahmed Khater

Professor And Chairman Of Audiovestibular Medicine
Zagazig University Hospital

Ahmed Khater

Alfarghal Mohamad

Chief of Audiology & Vestibular services
King Abdulaziz Medical City Jeddah

Alfarghal Mohamad

Aya Husseiny

Assistant Lecturer of Audiovestibular Medicine
Ainshams University

Aya Husseiny

Anu Sharma

Dept. of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences

Institute of Cognitive Science Center for Neuroscience

University of Colorado at Boulder Colorado

Anu Sharma

Dan Dupont Hougaard

Head Of Audiovestibular Department
Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark

Dan Dupont Hougaard

Dalia Hassan

Professor Of Audiovestibular Medicine
Audio-vestibular unit, Ain Shams University

Dalia Hassan

Dayse Tavora-Vieira

Adjunct Associate Professor

University of Western Australia Medical School Perth

Dayse Tavora-Vieira

Faisal Al Mubarak

Vestibular Rehab

Faisal Al Mubarak

Fereshteh Bagheri

Assistance Professor
Babol University Of Medical Sciences

Fereshteh Bagheri

Idir Djennaoui

HUS Strasbourg

Idir Djennaoui

Iman Ibrahim

Iman Ibrahim

Muhammed Ayas

Assistant Professor In Audiology & Senior Specialist Audiologist
University Of Sharjah

Muhammed Ayas

Murad Al Moamani

King Abdulaziz University Hospital

Murad Al Moamani

Mennatallah Masour

Ain Shams University

Mennatallah Masour

Mohamed Fawzy

Director of Hearing & Balance Clinic
ENT Depart., Dubai Hospital
Dubai Hospital

Mohamed Fawzy

Mostafa Yousef

Consultant of Audio-Vestibular medicine
Sohag university hospital

Mostafa Yousef

Mohamed ElBadry

Mohamed ElBadry

Nada Aljohi

Senior Audiologist
King Abdulaziz University Hospital

Nada Aljohi

Nadia Kamal

Professor of audiological medicine
Ainshams University

Nadia Kamal

Nagwa Hazzem

Professor of Audiovestibular Medicine
Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University

Nagwa Hazzem

Nithereen Elsaid

Professor Audiovestibular medicine
Ain shams University and Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University

Dr Nithreen M Said Abdelsalam D of Audiology, Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University, Egypt. Professor of Audiology Ain Shams University, Egypt. Experienced in management and programming of cochlear implant patients. Joined Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University on October, 2011. Shared in establishment of cochlear implant program in King Fahd University Hospital, Dammam - Saudi Arabia. Published many articles in international journals and reviewer in some international journals as Audiology Neurootology J, International J of pediatric otorhinolaryngology. Speaker in many conferences and organizer of yearly cochlear implant course in King Fahd University hospital.

Nithereen Elsaid

Nader Zalaquett

Medical Student
American University Of Beirut

Nader Zalaquett is fourth year medical student at the American University of Beirut. His love for the community and his passion for global surgery pushed him into creating the Lebanese Otolaryngology Research and Awareness Group (LORAG) which targets country-level awareness, education, advocacy, and patient care. He is currently the President and Research Team Leader of LORAG. This organization has now up to 300 members, won the $800 USD WHO World Hearing Day Grant, and presented in international conferences.

He is actively involved in campus life, and is currently serving as the Vice-President of the official American University of Beirut government, alongside the university President.

Nader has 11 published research scientific articles, in addition to a published bulletin piece in the American Academy of Otolaryngology bulletin. He is also currently working on several national and international projects to characterize the state of otolaryngologic care in Lebanon and globalizing otolaryngology.

Nader Zalaquett

Ossama Sobhy

Alexandria University

Ossama Sobhy

Osama Alrababah


Experienced and energetic Audiologist with 16 years' experience of diagnose and rehabilitate hearing and Balance problems cases using (VNG, ABR, PTA, OAE, TYM ...), impression taking, hearing aid fitting (Phonak, Oticon, Siemens, Starkey ...) and cochlear implant mapping (Cochlear, Med-el, AB). In adding to present many workshops and presentations in Audiology.

Osama Alrababah

Piotr Henryk Skarzynksi

Institute Of Physiology And Pathology Of Hearing

Piotr Henryk Skarzynksi

Richard Gans
Founder and CEO of the American Institute of Balance (AIB)

Dr. Gans received his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University in auditory-vestibular physiology. He is the Founder and CEO of the American Institute of Balance (AIB), one of the USA’s largest diagnostic and treatment balance centers. Dr. Gans is a Research Scientist member of The American Academy of Otolaryngology-HNS and the American Academy of Neurology.

Richard Gans

Samir Assal

Faculty Of Medicine
University Of Alexandria

Samir Assal

Somia Tawfik

Professor Emiratus
Ain Shams University

Dr. Somia Tawfik Mohamed Ali is a professor of Audio vestibular Medicine, College of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. She is practicing clinical evaluation for patients with audiovestibular disorders. The main area of interest is auditory processing disorders in children, adults & elderly. Currently, she is a board member of the Audiology committee of International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), member of the International Association of Physicians in Audiology (IAPA) and the Egyptian Audio-Vestibular Medicine Association (EAVMA). She has more than 50 publications in peer reviewed national and international journals. She developed, with a team at Ain Shams University, Arabic central auditory tests for adults & children and shared in the development of the first Arabic computer-based remediation program for children with auditory processing disorders.

Somia Tawfik

Samah Ibrahim

Consultant Of Audio Vestibular Medicine

Samah Ibrahim

Sumaia Alanazi

Senior Audiologist
King Abdulaziz University Hospital

Sumaia Alanazi

Susan Whitney
Professor in Physiotherapy and Otolaryngology, University of Pittsburgh

Dr. Whitney received her PhD in motor development/motor learning from the University of Pittsburgh and her professional physical therapy education from Temple University. She is a professor in the Departments of Physical Therapy and Otolaryngology at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Whitney is supported by the Department of Defense to develop technology for persons with vestibular disorders and mild brain injury. She has authored or coauthored 200 articles on Medline, received the APTA John Maley Award, and was awarded the Hallpike-Nylen award, which recognizes outstanding clinical research achievement in vestibular medicine by the Barany Society.

Susan Whitney

Tarek Al Dessouky

King Fahad Specialist Hospital - Dammam

Tarek Al Dessouky

Tamara Iccaoui

American University Of Beirut Medical Center
Clinical Audiologist

Tamara Iccaoui

Vishal Pawar

Specialist Neurologist
Aster DM healthcare

Dr. Vishal Pawar is a highly skilled Specialist Neurologist with a decade of combined experience in Neurology and Oto-Neurology. He completed his MBBS, DNB Medicine, and DNB Neurology in India. After four years of initial practice in India, he has been a valued member of the Aster Gardens specialty clinic in Dubai, UAE for the past seven years. In May 2017, Dr. Pawar achieved the Specialty Certificate Examination in Neurology from the Royal College of Physicians, UK. He has also completed the Assessment and Management of Vestibular Disorders course by Yenepoya University and holds an International Vestibular Diploma. His dedication and expertise led him to be honored with the 'Fellow of European Board of Neurology' in July 2021. Dr. Pawar's primary areas of interest within Neurology are Vestibular Medicine and Headache Disorders. At Aster Specialty Clinic

Vishal Pawar